My Goth Wardrobe Turnover And Tips

What the hell is a wardrobe turnover? Is what I said when I first read this. It didn’t help that all the blogs that I stalk (or, er, follow) have taken this phrase to mean entirely different things.  Some use ‘turnover’ to mean the transitioning time into your Goth/Lolita/etc wardrobe and others use the more common usage of how often you update your wardrobe. I’ll be using a bit of both.

Quiff Punk
Photo by SoulStealer on Flickr

Transitioning My Wardrobe
These are the days that I’m starting to fully understand the broke Uni-student thing so that I have no time or money for transitioning my wardrobe. Otherwise I’m not one for a tranditional go out and buy ten pieces of clothing at once kind of person – I’d rather add what I need throughout the year and sell, give away or throw out throughout also.

My Jump Into Goth Clothing
The first time I pulled on a Goth outfit was a horrendous display of fashion. Growing up I had a basic knowledge of what constituted a nice-looking outfit in my own eyes and when I delved into Goth unknowingly I attempted to throw that out the window and dress is all the cliches I could fit – striped stockings, tutu, corset, boots.

This was around the same time I was hanging around some older alternatives that were nice enough to give me tips and second-hand clothing and an alternative store had just opened in my town.

Photo by Comiquero on Flickr

 Tips For Transitioning Your Wardrobe Darker

  • Make a list of all the things you think you need in your wardrobe and look out for those items. You could also make a lot of the things you certainly do NOT need for your wardrobe. Mine would be dresses and blouses.
  • Think of your overall goal for your wardrobe. Is it versatile, statement, business?
  • If you think about what you wear and ask yourself what you’d like to change or expand on it’ll get easier to understand what’s missing.

Red and Black Week Outfit: First Actual Lolita Coordinate

I’ve been waiting so long to post this outfit! I’ve already been posting it around on my other networks but I’ve been planning for Red and Black Week for quite some time. Last time I was only able to participate once as I wasn’t prepared but this time is different. If all things work out I’ll be posting everyday and I can’t wait to read everyone else’s.
Anyway, on to the outfit!
My first actual Lolita outfit! What a great event to celebrate it with!
Dress: Bodyline.

Cardigan: Jocks and Socks.
Stockings: Unknown.
Shoes: Payless Shoes.
Blouse: Bodyline.
Hairbow: Bodyline.

Some red flowers.
A hint of red strawberry buttons! :3

I hope you enjoyed my outfit! See you tomorrow.

Best wishes,