Gothy Tumblrs You Won’t Want To Miss

Tumblr is a booming source of information. But there is just so much to get through! So, I’ve compiled a few links of pages that you might enjoy.

To be fair it was when I was learning how to use Photoshop.

    Add to the list in the comments! I can never follow enough Tumblrs. What’s yours?

      Outfit Post: Permed Hair, Leather Jacket, Red-Lipstick

      Today, I struggled into the hairdresser after walking for an hour and a half since I’d forgotten I actual don’t have any money to catch the bus – one of many annoying things that have happened this week on buses. Alas, I made it to the hair dresses and then spent four hours being tortured with curling rods, solution and shampoo. I ended up coming out the most kickass perm I could have gotten!

      I always make the best faces when Coen is the photographer.
      The awesomely tight curls aren’t showing very well but I’ll go in-depth later.

      Earlier this week I was traveling around Wollongong for University and, since I stay with a friend a few nights a week, I accidentally left my travel bag on the bus – the bag containing every piece of everyday makeup, make up that I had to buy wholesale since they don’t deliver to my country, custom pallets and all of my brushes. Luckily I should be getting it back next week but until then I will be playing with the leftover makeup that I haven’t used for centuries.


      Thus, flicked eyeliner with a pink crease and bold red-lipstick that I have never had the heart to wear in public before. And probably wouldn’t have had this circumstance not arisen.

      Jacket: SheInside, Jeans: Thrifted, Shirt: GothAngel, Necklace: Secondhand.

      This week I’ve learned that my hatred of buses has a real reason (because they secretly despise me) and they never tell you that perms are absolutely crazy! Honestly, they pull at your hair, burn your scalp, hurt your neck because they are constantly pulling your head back but it’s all worth it for the head massage.

      How has your week been? What are your thoughts on those-bastard-machines – oh, I mean buses?

      Outfit Post: Everyday Witchy Look with Halloween Makeup

      When I say ‘witchy’ I don’t mean any disrespect to Pagans or other such religions. This look with the pointed shoes and laid back fabric just lends itself in my mind to that kind of imagery. This is something I’ve been wearing a lot as an everyday thing.

      I am in love with this dress. It’s so easy to wear, especially on warm days when you don’t want tight fitting clothes smothering you. It’s pretty and the perfect length; Not too short but not too long. And it’s simple enough that I can just throw on a cardigan with it and look charming. I think my mother picked it up for three dollars at a second hand store she volunteers at.

      Eagerly I tried out the orange from the pallet I bought recently. It’s so lovely and a lot more neutral than I thought. I think I’ll be able to use this in a lot more looks than I originally thought. It’s going to be great for Halloween.


      Dress: Second-hand
      Shoes: Cotton-on.
      Cardigan: Thrifted.
      Stockings: No, idea. I’ve literally just been throwing on what ever stockings I can find.

      Best wishes,
      -Sary Walrus

      Monthly Theme: How To Add A Touch of Flowers to a Dark Ensemble

      Floral prints aren’t something that is typically considered totally Gawth but I’d have to disagree with this point. Flowers aren’t something that should be gawked at with disapproval it should be celebrated! Here are some tips to add a little bit of life to your afterlife outfit!

      • Red roses are a romantic Goth’s stereotypical best friend. Of course there are more dark flowers than just this, be creative!
      • Don’t forget lace! Good quality lace comes in all kinds of patterns. A common style being rose printed lace. It might be just what you need to spice up at jabot you’ve been working on, or add some simplistic elegance with some lace stockings in a flower pattern. Other idea’s include mourning veils, lace gloves, etc.
      • A top-hat adorned with flowers! Must I add more?
      • Flower hair-adornments. A metal comb with flower engravings sounds gorgeous and not too overwhelming.
      • The Mexican Day of the Dead is typically represented with lots of colourful flowers. Typically marigolds, a type of flower, are used in honour of the dead.  Lots of jewellery contains this as well! I for one absolutely love Day of the Dead themed jewellery.
      Best wishes,
      -Sary Walrus

      Poll of the Week: What is your favourite type of Gothy music?

      Faster Pussy Cat – At the Batcave – Source

      Simple and easy question – except if you can’t decide! Of, course I wont be able to post too many types so I’ll post brief categories.To make a point, these are Gothy bands not just tradition Goth bands!

      • Death rock (Strange Dolls Cult)
      • Punk (excluding post-punk bands like Bauhaus, more like Bad Religion.)
      • Goth Rock/Trad Goth/Post-Punk (Including bands like Joy Division.)
      • EBM/New Wave/Dark wave/Synthpop/Electronic (For example of Covenant and my favourite Darkwave song by Aural Vampire.)
      • Dark Cabaret/Carnival (The Dresden Dolls kind of music)
      • Industrial (For example KMFDM.)
      • Mental and all of it’s sub-genres. (Black metal, death metal, doom metal, glad metal, metalcore)
      • Goth friendly music (Such as Evanescence, as far as Lady Gaga.)

      There you are!
      Vote away, my lovelies.